We arrived in Moscow by bus as we departed the ship in the fog. Not too much to complain about as the weather is so crisp and clear when the fog burns off the river. But to keep on our schedule of Moscow city tour they departed us early at the side of a lock over train tracks and dodging a busy highway.
Moscow is a city of 12 million people and 9 million cars. The traffic is worse than our trip to Calcutta. The pollution is not as bad but the traffic sits in gridlock.
We both prefer St. Petersburg for simple beauty. Kremlin was special yesterday as we had a military parade complete with horses, twirling rifles, and shooting rifles. Was like a firing squad and then they pointed the rifles in the air. A bit unerving as we remember the Soviet Era.
Red Square means beautiful square and of course St. Basil's Cathedral is located there. I think we took 100 photos.
We still can't understand how there is so many BMW, JAguar, Mercerdes Benz, and modern cars on the roads. People are dressed very stylish but their wages are low and real estate is very expensive and the interest rate is @20%....I think the mafia is alive and well here.
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