Tuesday, September 28, 2010

St. Petersburg Russia 5' Celcius

Boarded our ship last night for Waterways of the Czar.
We spent yesterday wondering around enjoying the sites. Very windy and chilly, we are glad we have packed longjohns.... Climbed up the Bell Tower of the Cathedral at Peter and Paul Fortress. The metro is fairly easy to use, the elevators are so steep and fast.
The taxi ride from our hotel to the ship took us over 1 hour in horrendous traffic, almost grid lock.
St. Petersburg was founded in 1703 by Peter the Great as his window to the west. Canals were dug to drain the marshy south bank and in 1723 Peter made this place his capital. Architects and artisans came from all over Europe and the result is a city that remains one of Europe's most beautiful.

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